I've been looking at the new Summoner class in Pathfinder lately and the prominent feature of the class is the eidolon, a summoned monster companion that can be customized by the summoner with a variety of design features. The main strength of the eidolon appears to be multiple attacks. It can be designed to have claw, bite, slam and/or tail slap attacks which can be given further abilities such as bonus energy damage or the ability to overcome various forms of DR.
Having said all that, I have designed a 10th level eidolon with an emphasis on using weapons. Let me know what you think.
Biped: AC:+2 natural, Str:16 Dex:12, Free evolutions: Limbs (arms), Limbs (legs), Claws
Limbs (arms) (x2)
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Resistance (fire) 5
Str +2 (x2)
Lightning Reflexes, Multiweapon Fighting, Imp. Natural Armour (x2)
Level benefits:
Str/Dex:+4, AC bonus:+8, BAB:+8/+3
Ability score increase: Str:+2
The total Str is 26, +8 bonus
Now, this build has six arms total, so I arm the eidolon with a +1 longsword (primary hand) and five +1 shortswords (off-hands). It has a total of seven attacks per round as follows:
longsword melee +15/+10 (d8+9)
5x shortsword melee +15 (d6+5)
It also ends up with AC:25
Now, as far as I can tell, it's all legal, although I'm not sure about the total no. of attacks. At 10th level, the Max. Attacks for the eidolon is 5, but it says that applies to natural attacks. So, by the letter of the rule, using weapons should exempt it from that limit, but perhaps the spirit of the rule is being broken. If the DM decided to apply the maximum to all sorts of attacks, I would change one of the Improved Natural Armour feats to a Shield Proficiency feat and change one of the +1 shortswords to a +1 heavy shield. This would reduce one of the attacks, but increase the AC to 27. I believe the second longsword attack should still apply since it is derived from high BAB, rather than multiple limbs. Thoughts?
Chaosium 50 Year Anniversary (1975-2025)
5 weeks ago
I'd declare that a violation of RAI. My tweaks to the build would be to drop the two str boosts and go with Large at the same price. You'd have to buy 6 large short swords which would be rather heavy to carry around but it would work and do more damage. Dungeons would not be an issue because most are built for Large creatures and they could always squeeze through close quarters.
what are you going to do with the summoner? You get light armor and medium BAB. I read somewhere you can't use the Eidolon as a mount (which would not be applicable here anyway). Just a buff bot or do you have something else in mind?
Nice build. Scary to see 7 attacks per round compared to the 2 attacks per round of the average fighter.
So who would win in a fight? A 10th level sword-and-shield fighter vs this Eidelon... For the fighter to win, they would have to have a very, very high focus on AC.
10th level Human fighter (AC guy)
Str 20 (24)
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 7
Wis 12
Cha 7
Stuff: +4 belt of Str, +3 long sword, +3 heavy steel shield, +3 full plate, +1 ring of prot, +1 amulet of NA, cloak of resistance +2 Masterwork composite longbow [+7 str modifier]
Feats: Weapon Focus [long bow], Weapon focus [longsword], Weapon specialization [long bow], weapon specialization [longsword], Shield Specialization, Greater Shield specialization, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus [Longsword], Improved Toughness, Power Attack, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes.
Weapon training 2 (longsword)
Weapon training 1 (longbow)
Armor Training 2
Longsword Attack (power attack): +21/ +16
Longsword Damage: 1d8+20 (19-20 x2)
Longbow Attack: +16/ +11
Longbow Damage: 1d8+10
AC: 35 FF:32 T:14
Saves: 11/10/8
HP: ~85
Even the toughest eidolon with 7 attacks per round would probably not be able to defeat a regular fighter of equal level, just by virtue of the fighter's high AC potential.
I say give this Eidolon all 7 attacks. They will need it to pose a threat to high AC guys. If not power attacking, this fighter would have to roll a 1 to miss the eidolon. The eildolon would have to roll a 20 to hit.
Perhaps an eidolon that was more focused on a higher 'to hit' chance would be more effective? Thoughts?
The summoner himself really is weak sauce. I'm guessing he would be putting a lot into Use Magic Device; high Cha, skill focus, magical aptitude. He just doesn't get enough spells to be effective on his own or even to assist his eidolon much.
Alternatively, he could go high Con and be a hp battery for his eidolon. Talk about living on the edge.
I know this is totally jumping in way late, but I just found your blog (really enjoying it).
You're eidolon isn't breaking anyone's game. It's handy, and thematic, but seven attacks with those lines only nets you approximately 39 DPR against average level ten AC. (a decent fighter/ranger will be doing 50-60, an optimized barbarian/monk can hit 80). The paizo boards are filled with people who complain about the eidolon after someone in their group didn't read the rules right, or showed up with it for an encounter it was particularly suited for.
That being said I've put together one that does almost 120 DPR, so just like anything in the system, if you're willing to push hard enough, you can find ways to "break" it.
I am not aiming to speak ill of anybody else's eidolon build, but I believe that I have designed the absolute best one. It goes as follows...(being a half elf, for the addition eidolon points, at a ratio of an additional evolution point for every six your eidolon normally posesses)..
Base Form - Quadruped
Spell Resistance,
Claws x3,
Improved Natural Attack - Claws x3 and Bite and Rake
Second Bite Evolution,
Limbs (Legs) x2
Immunity x2
Grab (Claws),
It will end up having a spider-like appearance. To begin the battle, use the Greater Evolutionary Surge to turn your eidolon Hude, then have your eidolon charge into your opponent, and use all seven attacks. On the last claw attack that hits, use the Grab evolution, which will give you the two Rake attacks if you successfully grab. For support items, don't worry about AC. It will have a minimum of 35 at level 16, by which time AC won't matter anymore. Focus on damage items like Amulet of Mighty Fists and Belt of Physical Perfection.
Even at low levels, the basic form of this build will be able to take much more than should be possible. By playing a Summoner and learning the eidolon, I have discovered that natural attacks are the strongest in the game, so forgo conventional weapons whenever possible.
I hope you all enjoy this, and again, not trying to put down anybody else's ideas. Have fun!
I am not aiming to speak ill of anybody else's eidolon build, but I believe that I have designed the absolute best one. It goes as follows...(being a half elf, for the addition eidolon points, at a ratio of an additional evolution point for every six your eidolon normally posesses)..
Base Form - Quadruped
Spell Resistance,
Claws x3,
Improved Natural Attack - Claws x3 and Bite and Rake
Second Bite Evolution,
Limbs (Legs) x2
Immunity x2
Grab (Claws),
It will end up having a spider-like appearance. To begin the battle, use the Greater Evolutionary Surge to turn your eidolon Hude, then have your eidolon charge into your opponent, and use all seven attacks. On the last claw attack that hits, use the Grab evolution, which will give you the two Rake attacks if you successfully grab. For support items, don't worry about AC. It will have a minimum of 35 at level 16, by which time AC won't matter anymore. Focus on damage items like Amulet of Mighty Fists and Belt of Physical Perfection.
Even at low levels, the basic form of this build will be able to take much more than should be possible. By playing a Summoner and learning the eidolon, I have discovered that natural attacks are the strongest in the game, so forgo conventional weapons whenever possible.
I hope you all enjoy this, and again, not trying to put down anybody else's ideas. Have fun!
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