It is hard to miss the news that Wizards of the Coast is once again allowing the sale of pdfs for older editions of D&D. Good for them. It never made much sense to remove the older editions from circulation. The move certainly didn't help D&D 4e, it generated a lot of ill will towards the company and cost them a modest, but still significant revenue stream. This represents the culmination of the Great Wizards of the Coast Apology tour that began with the reprint of the original AD&D core books. I can't say any of this really matters to me. I am probably never going back to old-school D&D unless age catches up with me and, in my dotage, I am rendered intellectually incapable of handling rules-heavy games like Pathfinder or RuneQuest. Nonetheless, I applaud WotC for coming to its senses.
Oh, and if you don't mind, how about a reprint of the Rules Cyclopedia, you know, just in case.
Update: DrivethruRPG is overloaded right now. I wonder why.
Chaosium 50 Year Anniversary (1975-2025)
5 weeks ago
Rules Cyclopedia reprint would be excellent.
Definitely. I understand reprinting the original AD&D books first, but following up with D&D 3.5 made no sense to me. Rules Cyclopedia would have been a logical followup.
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